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The Tell Pattern

These cards are used in Austria and Hungary. In Austria they are known under the name "Doppeldeutsche". Sometimes they are also called the Seasons cards because on the deuces you find a picture of the four seasons. Else there are persons and scenes of the Tell legend. The ober of acorn shows William Tell and heart ober his rival Hermann Geszler. This game can be bought with a different number of cards; normally there are 32 cards (per suit: 7-10, U, O, K, D) and sometimes 36 cards (per suit: 6-10, U, O, K, D).

The four seasons in German (Austrian version: Frühling = spring, Sommer = summer, Herbst = autumn, Winter = winter)

The four seasons Hungarian version: Tavasz = spring, Nyár = summer, Ösz = autumn, Tél = winter)

Various pips show scenes from the Tell legend.

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The DDR Pattern (German)
